Rock Painting Ideas: Memory Rocks
Posted by DecoArt on May 30th 2022
Paint a special rock in celebration of someone you love using our Americana Acrylics paint sets.
- Boho Vibes Acrylic Paint Set (BD12AMBV)
- Pastel Colors Acrylic Paint Set (BD18AMPC)
- Coastal Colors Acrylic Paint Set (BD12AMCC)
- Bold Colors Acrylic Paint Set (BD18AMBC)
- rocks
- assorted brushes
Included are four different styles and subject matters for a painted "memory rock". Use them all, pick whichever speaks to you, or create your own! Attached are some pattern inspirations to get you started.
- Firstly, find some rocks! Flatter rocks tend to work best. Decide your subject matter and color palette for your rock or rocks.
- Give your rocks a good wash. Rinse and allow to dry.
- I used different paint sets for each rock, but you could use whichever Americana colors you like. For the "Always in Your Hear" rock, I use the Boho Vibes Acrylic Paint Set.
- Basecoat your rocks with white using a soft rounded brush. (TIP: a rounded brush will lay the paint on evenly with less brushstrokes.) Allow to dry.
- Trace on the provided inspiration pattern or free-hand draw your design using a pencil or colored pencil. (TIP: this helps plan your layout on your personal rock shape.)
- Paint the sky color with Baby Blue using a small filbert brush.
- Paint the bottom "hill" shape with Forest Green.
- Paint middle "hill" shape with Warm Sunset.
- Paint the other "hill" shapes using True Ochre and Mild Chocolate.
- Paint the "sun" shape using Desert Sand. Allow to dry.
- Into all of the colors used I added a drop of Titanium White and mixed thoroughly.
- I painted on the second coat of each shape using the tinted colors. Allow to dry.
- Paint the words "Always in my heart" using Vintage Pink with a liner brush. Allow to dry. Add a highlight of tinted pink by adding a dot of white to the color.
- This painted rock is a visual reminder to remember the beautiful time with someone special to you that will always be with you, in your heart.
- For the next style of rock, I chose the Pastels with Pop Acrylic Paint Set to create a floral design. To express "hope". First, basecoat your rock with white and allow to dry.
- Paint the top part of the rock with Shoreline in a scallop pattern. Paint the bottom of the rock using Light Buttermilk. Allow to dry.
- Paint flower stems onto the light color with Bluegrass Green using a liner brush. Allow to dry.
- Paint leaves with Eucalyptus Leaf and Pistachio Mint using a liner or small round brush. Allow to dry.
- Paint flower shapes using Gentle Heather, Wisteria and Lavender. Allow to dry.
- Add flower centers using Citron Green and the tip of a wooden skewer or small liner brush. Allow to dry.
- Use a liner brush to Paint the word "hope" using Coral Blush. Allow to dry.
- Mix a touch of white to the colors used for the flowers and "hope." This creates tint colors to use for highlights on the flowers and word. Paint over "hope" again to create a highlight. Add small highlights to the flowers for dimension.
- This painted rock project is a beautiful way to remember someone special in your life or to look to a new start or new beginning.
- The next painted rock inspiration uses the Bold Paint Set. Basecoat your rock with white and allow to dry.
- Use the provided inspiration pattern to trace on design. (TIP: modify this design to really capture the beauty of a loved pet. The colors are easily modified and you could change the ears to resemble a dog instead of a cat if needed.) Paint the sky color with Desert Turquoise. Allow to dry.
- Paint heart with Primary Red. Allow to dry.
- Paint a rainbow using Jack-O-Lantern, Bright Yellow, Kelly Green, True Blue, Dioxazine Purple, and Carousel Pink. Allow to dry. Add a drop of white to each color, mix, and paint a second coat of each color. Allow to dry.
- Use Slate Grey, Burnt Sienna, white and black to paint the kitty. Or use a customized mixture of colors to portray your loved pet.
- This painted rock is a loving way to remember and create a visual memorial to our furry loved ones that have crossed over the rainbow bridge.
- The next painted rock inspiration uses the Coastal Colors Acrylic Paint Set. And to add a bright pop of color, use Primary Red for the heart shape. Basecoat your rock with white and allow to dry.
- Use the provided inspiration pattern to plan your rock's design. Paint different fish shapes using Ocean Blue and True Blue.
- Have the fish going one way on one side and the opposite way on the other side. This gives the feel of balance and the flow/ebb of life.
- Paint a red heart in the center with Primary Red.
- Add details to each fish with some lighter colors: Baby Blue, Bahama Blue and Teal Mint. Use a liner brush to get more precise line work. Add dots of each color to create eyes.
- The different patterns and colors create harmony in the design.
- This painted rock could be a piece of art to keep close to you to help you focus on a special memory when you need a moment in the present to ground your thoughts.
- We hope that all of these ideas help inspire you to create your own painted rocks for whatever personal memory you want to highlight. Make this project a time to be in the present and enjoy memories of a loved one or use these projects to create pieces as a group to enjoy the time together as you all remember someone special.