Folk Art Heart Shelf

Folk Art Heart Shelf

Posted by DecoArt on Jan 21st 2016

This decoratively-painted shelf is Folk art as well as a functional piece for any type of storage.


    • water container
    • palette or plastic plate
    • paper towels
    • stylus or pencil
    • tracing paper
    • transfer paper
    • sandpaper
    • wooden box
    • #10 flat brush
    • spatter tool
    • #8 flat brush
    • #0 liner brush
    • #12 flat brush
    • tack cloth
    • extra small and medium dome brushes (1 each)
    • #20 flat brush
    • heart stencil
    • star stencil
    • Folk art stencil
    • crow stencil
    • Folk art primitive stencil


    1. Lightly sand the box surface and wipe clean with a tack cloth.
    2. Basecoat the box surface with Vintage, using the #20 flat brush. Let dry and then add another coat of Vintage. Let dry.
    3. Shade all areas with Legacy, using the #10 flat brush. (Refer to photo.)
    4. Enlarge or shrink the pattern to accommodate the box surface. (You will need to transfer all patterns that are not on the stencils called for.)
    5. Cut the Folk Art primitive stencil apart to fit the placement area.
    6. Trace on the heart. Basecoat the heart with Cameo using the #20 flat brush. Let dry and repeat.
    7. Shade the heart with watered-down Carbon.
    8. Highlight the top right of the heart with Fiery Red.
    9. Paint a Carbon squiggle lines around the heart with the liner brush.
    10. Position the pineapple stencil on the box surface and paint in the design, with the medium dome brush and Inheritance, using a pouncing motion. Remove the stencil slowly. Let dry.
    11. Shade the pineapple using the #8 flat brush with Rustic and paint the shaded lines going across the pineapple. (Do one direction at a time and let dry before doing the other direction.)
    12. Using the small dome brush, dry-brush between the diamond area section of the pineapple with Delicate.
    13. Add small dots in the center of the diamond area with Carbon and the liner brush.
    14. Paint the pineapple leaves with Enchanted, using the #8 flat brush. Let dry.
    15. Outline the pineapple and leaves with Carbon using the liner brush.
    16. Position the sheep stencil and paint the sheep with Timeless using the #8 flat brush. Let dry. Paint again with Everlasting.
    17. Thin Carbon with a little water until it has an ink consistency. Using the liner brush, paint the head, ear, tail, and dots and outline with the mix. Let dry.
    18. Position the house stencil. Paint the house with Legacy. Remove the stencil. Let dry.
    19. Shade the house windows, door, and roof with Carbon. Let dry.
    20. Highlight the roof of house with Everlasting.
    21. Paint the lines in the windows of the house with Everlasting.
    22. Transfer the crow pattern to the position you would like it to be. Paint the crow with Carbon. Let dry.
    23. Shade the crow with Legacy, then with a little Everlasting. Dot the eyes of the crow with Everlasting.
    24. Transfer the small heart, between the two crows, to the box. Basecoat the heart with Cameo using the #20 flat brush. Let dry; then repeat.
    25. Shade the heart with watered-down Carbon.
    26. Highlight the top right of the heart with Fiery Red. Let dry.
    27. Stroke in the highlight comma with Everlasting, using the liner brush.
    28. Using the liner brush, paint the string between the crows and the heart with Rustic. Dot the ends on the heart with Carbon.
    29. Transfer the two stars onto the box surface. Paint the two stars with Inheritance. Let dry. Shade with Rustic. Let dry. Outline with Carbon. Let dry. Paint on "stitches" with Carbon.
    30. Transfer the checks and heart patterns onto the surface, positioning them as desired. Paint the checks with Carbon. Paint the hearts with Cameo. Stroke highlights on the hearts with Everlasting.
    31. Paint all stitching and mini checks with Carbon.
    32. Spatter the entire piece with Carbon. Let dry.
    33. When completely dry, protect with several light sprays of Americana Matte Spray Finish.


    Project Pattern