Upcycled New Year’s Decorations with Galaxy Glitter™

Upcycled New Year’s Decorations with Galaxy Glitter™

Posted by DecoArt on Dec 14th 2020

Create your own festive upcycled New Year’s noisemakers from repurposed Christmas decorations! Gather the family together and spend an afternoon making sparkling New Year’s Eve party decorations (and memories!).  Plastic ornaments, curling ribbon, and jingle bells take center stage with a dazzling update courtesy of DecoArt® Galaxy Glitter™ now available at Shop.DecoArt.com 

DecoArt® Galaxy Glitter™ is a brush-on glitter acrylic that adds out-of-this-world shimmer and shine! Each color is loaded with astronomical amounts of glitter and has a higher concentration of glitter flakes compared to other glitter paints. With a variety of colors and sizes available Galaxy Glitter™ makes it easy to add a stellar sparkle to your crafting projects.

Items Needed:


Let's create some noisemakers! Remove the metal cap from the clear plastic ornament and fill the ornament up halfway with silver beads. Replace the metal cap. Paint outside of the ornament with Galaxy Glitter™ in Champagne Stardust using a flat paintbrush. Set aside to dry and apply a second coat. Once dry, flip ornament over and apply two coats, letting them dry in between.

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Tie black grosgrain ribbon in a large bow. Measure and cut 24” of silver and gold curling ribbon, feed through back of bow and then thread on the ornament. Tie curling ribbon in a knot, securing the ornament onto the large black bow. Curl ribbon by pulling across the blade of an open pair of scissors and your thumb. Cut notches from ends of black ribbon to finish.

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Basecoat the front, back, and sides of a jumbo craft stick with DecoArt® Americana® Acrylics in Lamp Black. I love Americana Acrylics for their one coat coverage on most surfaces. Apply two coats of Galaxy Glitter™ in Silver Moon to the front and back of the craft stick and let them dry completely.

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Measure and cut three 24” lengths of silver and gold curling ribbon. Tie a variety of jingle bells onto the craft stick, securing with knots. Curl the ribbon ends with scissors.

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Basecoat a paper party horn with Americana® Acrylics in  Lamp Black. Mine were left over from a birthday party. Apply two coats of Galaxy Glitter™ in Silver Moon to the paper party horn and letting them dry completely in between.

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Measure and cut 24” of silver and gold curling ribbon. Thread one or two jingle bells onto each ribbon and tie around the base of the party horn. Secure with a knot and curl the ribbon ends with scissors.

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Now you're ready to ring in the New Year in style! I'm sure we're all ready to make some noise and celebrate.

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I love the sparkle and shine Galaxy Glitter™ adds to simple craft supplies. These glammed up noisemakers were so easy to make, and they're the perfect New Year’s Eve party decorations. If you need more New Year's crafts for the whole family, check out these quick and easy New Year’s Party Signs.

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Watching the ball drop during the New Year’s Rocking Eve is one of my favorite traditions, and now with this craft I'm ready to celebrate and make some noise! How will you be ringing in 2021? Let us know in the comments!